2024 Beer Awards

Every brewery is award winning and rightly so. We produce an amazing range of beers in the UK and we have a brilliant brewing scene. It is certainly not without its challenges, yet every so often we are recognised and that is testament to the expertise and skill of our brewing team.
This year we have been recognised as follows:
The Society of Independent Brewers
Cheriton Porter - SILVER - South East - Overall CHAMPION Cask
Cheriton Porter - GOLD - South East Cask Session Dark Beer
Goodens Gold - SILVER - South East Cask British Best Bitter
Hopton IPA - BRONZE - South East Cask Session Pale Ale
Campaign for Real Ale
Perridge Pale - BRONZE - London & South East CHAMPION BEER
Goodens Gold - 2nd PLACE - Southern Hampshire
Winterfest XXX
Wildfire - GOLD - Strong Bitter Medal
Stottidge Stout - SILVER - Stout & Porter Medal
SIBA? For those of you who are not aware of SIBA, well they are our brewing industry body, otherwise known as The Society of Independent Brewers.
CAMRA? Campaign for Real Ale. They do a great job promoting real ale.

New Arrivals
Let's see some of our new products