The Flower Pots Brewery "sponsors where other breweries cannot reach!"

Special Forces Club Benevolent Fund's "Lawrence Trek"
Perridge Pale proudly helps out!
The Special Forces Club Benevolent Fund have recently re-enacted an epic trek, in honour of T.E Lawrence, Sherif Nasir, Nesib el Bekri, Auda Abu Tayi, and team who, in 1917, rode the "Uncrossable" 685 miles across the Arabian desert.
Whereas Lawrence of Arabia arrived in Aqaba on the Jordanian coast to fight, Howard Leedham, Craig Ross, Martin Thompson and James Calder were met by The King of Jordan having spent 25 days on their camels in both scorching and freezing temperatures sustained by a sense of humour, blister cream and our own Perridge Pale. Calder is a local to the Brewery and (albeit slow!) drinker of our cask ales.
They have raised £500,000 to date and to donate please click SFCBF
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