Food question?

Hello everyone,
In Lockdown 1, we rebuilt the kitchen. In Lockdown 2, when the Inn was full of seated customers, the Kitchen got a full shakedown. In Lockdown 3, we have been doing Takeaways - Curries on Wednesdays and Fish & Chips on Fridays. How many have we cooked in 2021 to date? (answer at the bottom of the page!)
Now that we have a provisional opening date of 12th April, subject to the weather and usual caveats - for outdoor drinking and eating only for now, we will be putting the kitchen through its paces again. But what shall we serve you? What would you like to see on the menu? If you have any preferences or ideas, then please do email us at and Chris will see what he can do.
In the meantime, please keep ordering the Takeaways and add to the 749 we have done this year.
Best wishes and keep well
The Flower Pots Team
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