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Cool Parking

Cool Parking 150 150 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Cool Parking - Not! Last Sunday was certainly eventful!  As you can see from the video, we had…

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Wildfire (5.7% abv)

Wildfire (5.7% abv) 419 526 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Wildfire (5.7% abv) is back! It is back.  Banish the February blues with our single batch of Wildfire…

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Stottidge Stout

Stottidge Stout 419 526 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Stottidge Stout Stunning!  We cannot keep it all for ourselves, so here is your chance to get some. …

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Fresh Beer

Fresh Beer 1706 2560 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Fresh Beer Water, Malting Barley, Hops and Yeast and with a touch of magic, you end up with…

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Malting Barley & Hops Time

Malting Barley & Hops Time 596 448 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Barley & Hops Time What ingredients do you need to make a pint of beer?  As you probably…

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SIBA Cask Ale Awards

SIBA Cask Ale Awards 294 294 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

2023 South East Awards SIBA?  For those of you who are not aware of SIBA, well they are…

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David Richardson

David Richardson 1707 2560 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

A very Happy Retirement! David joined us over ten years ago, leaving the teaching profession behind and embarking…

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Cascadian Dark (4.4% abv)

Cascadian Dark (4.4% abv) 419 526 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Cascadian Dark (4.4% abv) Our Cascadian is a balanced dark ale with the flavour of a traditional Flower…

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Summer Specials

Summer Specials 1000 1000 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Summer Specials If you had a sneak peak into our cool room last month, you would have been…

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The Great British Beer Festival 2023

The Great British Beer Festival 2023 2000 1333 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

The Great British Beer Festival 2023 Back in early August, we took the whole brewery team to Olympia…

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    12.00 - 23.00
    12.00 - 22.30


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    12.00 - 14.30
    Fri - Sun
    12.00 - 16.00

    Tues - Sat
    18.00 - 21.00



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    Mon - Sat
    10.00 - 18.00
    12.00 - 16.00

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